OHS Canada Magazine

3motionAI flags risk for musculoskeletal injuries before they occur

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May 30, 2024
By OHS Canada

Health & Safety

Credit: 3motionAI

The World Health Organization estimates approximately 1.71 billion people have musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions worldwide, putting these injuries in the territory of a global epidemic.

Causes range from sedentary lifestyles to competitive sports performance and activities of daily living and work, and no demographic is immune. That’s why 3motionAI has developed new technology to pre-emptively address the root causes of MSK injuries.

Unlike traditional methods that require manual data collection, physical exams and motion sensors, and are typically employed post-injury, 3motionAI relies on real-time data capture, analysis and predictive reporting to change the assessment, performance enhancement and management of MSK injuries on a large scale.

The 3motionAI technology gives users instant, actionable insights through an intuitive and easy-to-use mobile app, flagging performance indicators and hidden injury risks.

“AI’s integration spans across every facet of life, propelling our technology to the forefront of innovation,” said Reed Hanoun, founder and CEO of 3motionAI.  “With millions poured into managing post-injury needs and recovery, it’s time to prioritize prevention through technology. These injuries are preventable, and our mission is to halt them before they occur.”

3motionAI’s technology has already been adopted by professional sports organizations, health institutes and employers.

For more information, please visit https://3motionai.com.


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