OHS Canada Magazine

City of Prince Albert fined $95K after worker injured in fall

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May 9, 2024
By OHS Canada

Health & Safety

Photo: Adobe Stock

The City of Prince Alberta has been fined $95,000 after it pled guilty in a Saskatchewan Court to one violation of The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020.

The municipality was fined for contravening subsection 9-2 (2) of the regulations (being an employer fail to ensure that workers use a fall protection system at a temporary or permanent work area if a worker may fall three metres or more or there is a possibility of injury if a worker falls less than three metres, resulting in the serious injury of a worker). As a result, the Court imposed a fine of $67,857.14 with a surcharge of $27,142.86, for a total amount of $95,000.

Two other charges were withdrawn.

The charges stemmed from an incident that occurred on Sept. 22, 2022 when a worker was seriously injured when they fell a distance greater than three metres while attempting to dislodge a hose nozzle.


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