OHS Canada Magazine


Webinar: Rio Tinto’s journey to digital contractor management: Driving on-site safety and efficiency

June 19, 2024

Not that long ago, Nick Trepanier, Senior Contractor Management Advisor, recognized there were inadequate controls in the contractor management processes at Rio Tinto. Manual processes meant limited insight into the qualifications, safety, and skills of its on-site workforce. Given the highly regulated nature of the mining industry, these limitations meant potentially exposing workers, teammates and the company to unacceptable health and safety risks.

Fast forward a few years, and Nick and his team have implemented a streamlined contractor management process that ensures consistent onsite safety practices.

Join Nick to learn about Rio Tinto’s journey towards efficient contractor management transformation including:

  • The need for pre-qualification to effectively manage the safety and skill profiles of all onsite contractors
  • How digital contractor management ensures 24/7 access to mission-critical information
  • What steps the company took to ensure compliance at both the company and worker level, before allowing work to begin
  • The implementation of a link-to-gate system for superior on-site management

Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cM0tbuCKRrGQRi9iYaKAGg#/registration

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